Liposuction Las Vegas

Liposuction Surgery in Las Vegas

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Smith Plastic Surgery Institute Provides Liposuction in Las Vegas Nevada

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, or body contouring in Las Vegas, is a surgical procedure where fat is removed from the body through a technique that suctions it out from targeted and specific areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, neck and chin. The procedure is a popular way to remove difficult fat in parts of the body where dieting may not be successful.

What Are The Benefits Of Liposuction in Las Vegas?

Along with removing fat from stubborn areas of the body, Vegas liposuction can also help contour and shape specific areas where exercise and dieting are not making an impact. Liposuction in Las Vegas can also help improve the patient’s appearance by creating a more natural figure and distribution of body fat.  Certain liposuction procedures can also help create greater definition, including in the abdominal areas, where “six packs” can often be achieved.  Such results, which vary by patient, can truly have a positive impact on the mental health and outlook of patients.  At Smith Plastic Surgery Institute, we have witnessed many positive and happy patients who have enjoyed the many benefits of our Las Vegas liposuction procedures.

What Can I Expect From My Liposuction in Nevada Procedure? 

Dr. Lane Smith, who holds 4 separate board-certifications in plastic surgery, will discuss with you the type of liposuction in Vegas procedure best suited for your current body status and goals.  Dr. Smith will cover the various process and steps, and will share with you what you can expect both during your procedure and following as you go through recovery.

Am I A Candidate For Liposuction in Las Vegas NV?

Generally, if you are in good health, have good skin elasticity and muscle tone, are not pregnant, and are a non-smoker you should be a good candidate for liposuction.  Dr. Smith will discuss this during your initial consultation.  It is also important that all patients have realistic expectations on the procedure and the weight loss and fat that can be removed.

What Else Should I Know About Nevada Liposuction? 

Liposuction in Vegas isn’t typically considered an overall weight-loss method or a weight-loss alternative.  For those patients who are overweight, especially if you are considered obese, you are much more likely to lose weight through a proper diet and nutrition program coupled with exercise, or in extreme cases, through a bariatric procedure like gastric bypass surgery, than you would through lipo in Las Vegas.

What Can I Expect Following My Liposuction in Las Vegas Nevada Procedure? 

All patients recover differently but generally, patients can expect to swell for a few weeks following surgery.  Dr. Smith and his team will provide compression garments for you to wear to help control and minimize swelling while controlling pain.  It is also important to know that once the fat is removed from an area within your body, it does not grow back.  The fat cells that remain can get larger with weight gain following your surgery, but there will be fewer fat cells in that area.

Traditional Liposuction

Liposuction technology has evolved to the point that the long-established fat-removing procedure known simply as “liposuction” is now known as “traditional liposuction.


Smart Lipo in Las Vegas

Unlike traditional liposuction, which uses the very slim rod known as cannula and an aspirator to suck the fat cells from your body, SmartLipo in Las Vegas uses a laser to destroy the fat cells while they’re still in the body and then Dr. Smith uses the cannula to suction them out.


Vaser High-Definition Liposuction

Vaser Liposuction in Las Vegas is a minimally invasive, ultrasound-assisted liposuction technology that can be used to improve a single small area or to achieve full-body results. Vaser Lipo in Las Vegas allows our plastic surgeon to provide more precise contouring compared to traditional liposuction.

Scheduling A Consultation For Labiaplasty With Dr. Smith

Dr. Smith is experienced in liposuction surgery and has hundreds of very satisfied patients. To schedule a consultation, call the office at 702-838-2455 or fill out the contact us form on this website.  You can also check out the other body plastic surgery procedures that he does.

A woman undergoes liposuction and then draws on her stomach with a marker.

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