How to Reduce Swelling After a Facelift Surgery

How to Reduce Swelling After a Facelift Surgery

Face swelling is a common symptom that patients experience after facelift surgery, and we often receive questions about these types of plastic surgery recovery processes. The good news is that you’ll likely only experience swelling for the first 2-3 days after your procedure, and the healing process will quickly begin as your results provide the skin rejuvenation you’ve been looking for!

The Smith Surgery Team has supported countless facelift patients in the Las Vegas area, and we’ve been named the best plastic surgeon in the region for the past seven years straight! Dr. Lane Smith is considered to be one of the most renowned plastic surgeons in the entire country, and he’s an expert when it comes to supporting people through the facelift recovery process.

Although we provide many similar face treatment procedures like rhinoplasty, lip augmentations, Botox and neck lifts, this blog primarily focuses on specific health tips and instructions that can help a patient reduce side effects like inflammation and overall pain in the following areas after a facelift:

  • Head
  • Neck
  • Mouth
  • Chin
  • Jawline
  • Mid-face

There’s no denying how facelifts can do wonders for reducing wrinkles and improving an individual’s facial appearance, but it’s important to remember that swelling and bruising are possible during the first few days after your surgery.

So keep the following tips in mind to avoid any setbacks during your post-surgery care routine!

Tips To Reduce Swelling After a Facelift Surgery

Below are a number of crucial tips and guidelines to help a patient reduce their facial swelling after a Las Vegas facelift procedure:

Using Ice or Cold Compresses

It’s not a random coincidence that we all see the best athletes in the world using ice packs on the sidelines when they’re in pain. Ice packs and cold compresses are great at reducing inflammation, as well as initiating the healing process when you need to rest your treatment area after a cosmetic procedure.

It’s likely that your facelift will include some incisions, and these incisions will potentially impact your facial tissues and blood flow. By putting a cold compression on your face for at least a few times each day, you can dramatically reduce your discomfort and overall pressure on your blood vessels. It’s also important to note that this type of cold compress treatment should last for at least 10 minutes, if not longer.

Cold compress treatments can help reduce many different risk factors and symptoms associated with your facelift surgery in Las Vegas, which is why it’s the first and foremost healing strategy when you’re in rest mode after your procedure.

Avoiding Hot Showers

It’s also a good idea to avoid taking any hot showers for the first few days after your facelift surgery.

This is largely because the heat from hot showers can make facial swelling problems worse, so it’s important to pay close attention to your shower temperatures and only use luke-warm water throughout your first few recovery days.

Keeping Your Head Elevated

You’re likely going to be feeling plenty of pressure all across your body during the first few days after your facelift, so it’ll be important to keep your head elevated while you sleep and relax at home.

We recommend propping your head up with a few extra pillows while you’re resting in bed, and sitting in a recliner-like chair if it’s available for you. And because Las Vegas has a rather warm climate, it’s also advised to stay indoors with an air conditioner to reduce any concerns associated with overheating.

Avoid Hot Foods and Drinks

It’ll also be important to avoid any hot foods or drinks for the first couple of days after your facelift procedure and this is because hot fluids and foods can potentially make things worse in terms of mouth and mid-face swelling.

But the good news is that these types of diet restrictions are only a concern for about 2-3 healing days, so you’ll likely get back to eating and drinking everything you normally would within the first few days of your facelift recovery process.

Avoid Drinking and Smoking

Avoid Smoking and Drinking

Patients are typically advised during their initial consultation appointment to stop smoking for at least eight weeks prior to their facelift procedure. But at the very least, patients should avoid smoking and drinking during their facelift recovery process to reduce swelling and other unwanted post-surgery symptoms.

Tobacco and alcohol can reduce the efficiency of your injury recovery, and it can also lead to allergic reactions and other concerns that are best to be avoided.

Using Warm Compresses After a Couple of Days

In addition to using cold compresses, it’s also advised to apply a warm compress to your surgery location once you’ve recovered for at least 2-3 days after your procedure. It’s also important to note that warm compress treatment will generally work best once your facial swelling has begun to subside.

You’ll be using pain relief medications to alleviate swelling during those first few recovery days, and you’ll likely see signs of improvement when it’s time to switch to a warm compress. What’s great about warm compress treatment is that it’ll increase the blood flow to your treatment area, and stimulate the nerve endings of your facial skin to catalyze the healing process.

Changing Bandages and Cleaning Incisions

It’s always important to listen to your doctor when it comes to activities like changing bandages and cleaning incisions after a facelift surgery. The overall amount of bandage/incision cleaning you’ll need to do will depend upon several personal factors oriented around your specific treatment.

It’s also important for patients to follow doctor instructions when it comes to keeping the treatment area dry, and to understand infection warning sign information. If you do notice any signs of infection during the first few days of your facelift recovery, be sure to reach out to our clinic or go to your nearest hospital for immediate medical attention.

Getting Proper Nutrients

Getting Proper Nutrients

Another way you can boost your facelift recovery process is to take your doctor’s advice when it comes to your post-surgery diet. One of the top concerns you should have from a dietary standpoint is your overall sodium intake, because sodium can often be detrimental for managing facial swelling.

Vitamin K has a great track record of supporting facelift patients during their recovery, which can be found in common foods like yogurt, greens and eggs.

It’s also important to pay close attention to your fluid intake during your facelift recovery, because drinking enough water each day will support your facial tissue and help you maintain optimal health while your body is resting.

Tips To Reduce Bruising After Your Facelift Surgery

It’s also a known fact that facelift patients can sometimes experience bruising as a temporary side effect after their procedure. Although the overall extent of bruising will range on a case-by-case basis, here are some universal tips that facelift patients should keep in mind to reduce facial bruising:

  • Applying heat
  • Keeping yourself elevated
  • Compression therapy
  • Vitamin K creams 
  • Aloe vera ointments 
  • Topical Vitamin C
  • Herbal supplements 

How Long Does Facial Swelling Last After a Facelift?

Facial swelling is different for all facelift recovery cases, but in general, you can expect your facial swelling to subside within about 5-7 days after your procedure. Facial bruising might take a little longer to fully heal, and you can expect your post-facelift bruising to subside within about 10-14 days.

If stitches are a part of your facelift services, you’ll need to re-visit your cosmetic doctors to have your stitches removed about a week after your surgery.

When it comes to going back to your job after a facelift, you’re going to need a little bit of time to regain your working condition. But the good news is that most people can get back to work within about 10-14 days after their procedure when their job doesn’t require any intense physical activities.

Reach Out To Our Facelift Experts To Learn More About Reducing Your Facial Swelling!

Smith Plastic Surgeryis a leading cosmetic facility located in Las Vegas, and we pride ourselves on providing top-quality plastic surgery results at an affordable price for everyone’s budget. We’ll be there for you when your facelift is covered by your health insurance, and we’ll also set you up with financing options when you’re more interested in obtaining cosmetic services.

Although the facelift recovery process can often include some temporary swelling and bruising, there’s absolutely no reason to shy away from obtaining the facial image of your dreams.

Feel free to contact us online to get in touch with our esteemed plastic surgery specialists. We’re also just a phone call away when you reach us at 702-838-2455 to set up your initial tests and consultation appointment with Dr. Smith!